Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Francis Rogallo

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Monday, May 23, 2005

tow comp winner

coltrane wins again.


rog, john, kevin

Sunday, May 22, 2005

I Tie

Billy Vaughn (2nd place 5 times), Sean Comer - Past winner, Bruce Weaver - meet director and Me. We tie for 5th. My best showing ever. Bruce did not compete this year - giving the rest of a chance to move up a place in the standings.

joe greblo

rogallo foundation inductee 2005


1 coltrane 2 ryan voight 3 paul voight ~ bill futch 1 in novice

team winners

awards dinner

Mr Rogallo

93 years old

fly off

kevin and ryan are tied for first, one more flight to determine the champion.

Kevin goes first and nails the first perfect 50 of the entire competition, Ryan almost answers with a 45 point score. Kevin Wins!

team event

speed gliding

current leaders

sucker cone



45 points

ryan voight new leader

steve bernier

all pilots

sunday morning

meet director

Bruce Weaver. Blowing 20 out of
the west.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Saturday Night Street Dance

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boy band

Mick's kid on bass.


Bruce Jr number two.

john and Gw

Instructors Talk

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Weaver Ball Bachman Yoder

instructor reunion

Saturday Afternoon

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kevin coltrane

harness for a two year old fits fine


splash down

JT going for the drink.

soaring manteo

Rob Bachman, wet first try, success on second attempt.

Setting up in Manteo

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Saturday Morning

Bruce just had the 10:00am pilot meeting. A bit windy out of the northeast, we meet back at 12 to check the weather.

Ryan Voight

Shows his self made video about his early days of hang gliding.

Winner of Day One

Mike "Cranston" Brown is the champion of day one - in Poker, next to him is his girlfriend Diana Koether.

Blown Out

Day was blown out so wwe had a Texas Hold'em Tournament. Many entered. I got 4th. Bo and Joe Greblo ran into bad luck and went out on the first hand - an instructor called "Dude" schooled em.

Radio Guys

Jody and Kramer, Beach 104 do a bit about the competition and interview me for a few minutes.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Card Game Results

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Pilot meeting

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Andy's Party and String Band

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

KHK instructors

Steve Bernier and Micheal Cosner

Poker Night

John Harris parlaying KHK instructors retirement money. Eight players started: Top Three Finishers, Bo 3rd, Abby and I tied for first.

Dune teaching

Drew Harris (Michelle's "Current" fiance) crashing students on the east hill.

On the deck

John Harris hooked us up with this nice beach house.

Brew Pub

Instructor get together and Bruce/Noemi's kid tries to say Dump Truck, but sounds like...
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